Wednesday, 13 March 2019

On the Workbench - Another Lancaster (Again)

March has mainly been building multi-engine types. First up is this Lancaster in 1/72 scale - slightly different to the usual build I do for this kit. As can be seen, it's been weathered. Quite a lot.

I have a constant internal debate as to whether to finish a model 'pristine' or 'used' - especially for models which will be purchased by someone for a collection, a display or diorama. I have had customers specifically request both finishes in equal measure. It is less clear cut when I build a model with no customer in mind - an educated guess is the result!

This example will be going on Ebay this week so it's a case of hoping for a buyer who is after the weathered look.

In all other respects - this is a standard Revell kit built out of the box. Putting to one side the issue  with the wing dihedral it would be my recommended Lancaster kit for anyone wanting to build up one of these in 1/72 scale.

Next on the production line is this 1/72 EE Canberra B2. This is a commission build and specifically requested to depict a 617 Squadron machine using the S&M models kit. The kit is good and in this colour scheme - it looks very good!

Also on the go (but not pictured) is a pair of Bristol Beaufighters and a Boulton Paul Defiant. More pictures on those to follow...

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