Wednesday 15 August 2018

On the workbench - the Amerika Bomber and a Raptor

Arado E 555 'Amerika Bomber'

I've wanted to do one of these for a while for a couple of reasons.

1) I like flying wings.

2) Luft '46 is a virtual playground for a modelmaker - because it was essentially where the engineering people went a bit mad. After all, they never had to build the things - so they could do what they liked...

3) It looks like a spaceship even by modern standards - in a similar vein (although nowhere near as big) as the Vulcan.

Combine a Luft '46 Flying Wing that looks like it's straight out of Flash Gordon with virtually free reign in the colour scheme department - what's not to like? It also helps that it's a pretty good kit - top marks for Revell in terms of fit, ease of assembly and the overall quality of the finished product. In 1/72 scale it comes out about as big as a B-25 or Ju 88 - so a fairly manageable size when completed.

I don't exaggerate when I say that it is possible to assemble the majority of the airframe in a weekend. Revell went for the 'less is more' approach when it came to parts - the main body/wing assembly is made up of two pieces and the tail planes, engine pods, etc. are added as the build goes on.

Since this thing never flew and thus was never painted - you can pretty much go with whatever Luftwaffe camouflage takes your fancy. In this case - the choice was a two-tone splinter camouflage.  Colours used were from the German late-war palette - RLM 84 (Light Sky) for the underside, RLM 82 (Olive Green) and RLM 81 (Brown Violet).

After a not-inconsiderable amount of time picking off the masking tape - it was then time to fit the landing gear, gear doors and other bits/bobs. This is the finished result which looks pretty good.

Lockheed F-22 Raptor 

Also on the go (also from Revell in 1/72 scale) is a F-22 Raptor. This is a pretty good kit as far as muggins here is concerned - no real issues with fit or finish. HOWEVER.

I'm not sure what precise colour the USAF actually uses for the leading edges of their F-22s - but they evidently didn't share the specifics with Vallejo paints. The result is a pretty bright grey along the edges of the wings and tail(s). I don't think it looks too bad, but it's a bit more of a stark contrast than the real thing.

Sometimes however you just have to run with it and finish a model despite one or two misgivings halfway through. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. The finished product looks like a Raptor and is pretty smart overall - the decals really do bring the thing to life and add a bit of relief to what would otherwise be a big grey stealth plane.

Both of these coming soon to a certain auction site near you...

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