Friday 18 January 2019

On the Workbench - Avro Shackleton AEW + Beaufighter TF 10

Just a quick update while waiting for the filler to cure. I finally started the Revell Shackleton AEW last weekend - since the thing has been sat in the stash for a few years. (I bought the thing when it first came out). It makes a nice sideways change from the usual favourite of Lancasters.

This pic shows how the Shackleton is quite a different beast from it's Lancaster cousin - a fair bit bigger in wingspan and length. The main drawback I foresee is the considerable number of aerials, antennae, radio arrays and all the other bits just waiting to be pinged off to the carpet monster.

The plan is to paint it in sub-assemblies - the fuselage, the wings + tail (dry-fitted without glue at the moment) and engine pods. The whole lot is Extra Dark Sea Grey so masking is limited to the clear parts - ironically the paintwork will take less time than the Lancaster.

Lurking in the background is a finished Airfix Beaufighter TF 10 - an excellent kit in every respect aside from needing five hands to put the engine nacelles together. It turned out well in the end (after some muttering and cussing). Below is a pic of it just prior to having it's props and main gear fitted - the offending engine pods offering no evidence of the pitched battle to assemble them!

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